Julie Miller

Julie Miller, RCP is a certified recovery coach. After a decade of too much drinking, she found her way into an alcohol free life and is now thriving. Her recovery is founded in overcoming shame, finding her authentic self, and creating a life so full there's no space left for alcohol. Through her coaching, podcasting, and the recovery community she has built, Julie has found her purpose in helping others find their way out of addiction and into a meaningful, purpose filled life of freedom.

Image: A roller coaster silhouette with a sunset and clouds in the distance. Image symbolizes the emotional ups and downs discussed in the blog post about the let down effect in sobriety from alcohol

Coming Down: Navigating The Emotional Let Down Effect in Sobriety

I’ve lost track of the number of people in recovery from alcohol misuse that I’ve talked to who made it through the big event where they were so worried about being triggered to drink, only to relapse when they came home. Vacations. Concerts. Marathons or other physical feats. Performances. Competitions. Weddings. I’m actually in the

Coming Down: Navigating The Emotional Let Down Effect in Sobriety Read More »